Saturday, September 6, 2008

You lost your wedding ring?

Girls night out last night, impromptu gathering of some ladies after work on Friday. Ends in lively discussion over the sparklers on everyone's fingers. Not anything obnoxious like the women with the pink dress and Chanel "sport" watch, but positive murmurs and chats about the right band to go with each sparkler.... Until me. 
Yes that is right I'm one of those girls who lost her wedding ring. "What you lost your wedding ring?"
I had this beautiful ring designed by my husband. 3 stone emerald cut. I loved it, it was perfect. I was working out with a personal trainer at work. Each session I gave him my rings so they didn't get dinged - DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME. 

I am an idiot - absolutely not the right thing to do here. Let the berating comments begin. 
Anyway on this particular day, my trainer M left the gym quickly to make a movie... 
I called him when i noticed my rings were missing. He doesn't have them.
I retrace his steps (many steps)
the car
the friends car
the parking spot
the theatre
the bank machine
the ping pong table
the gym 

I put signs up all over Palo Alto, and the theatre. 
I end up in tears at the flower store where the theatre packages go... the theatre is closed from Tues - Friday (Ring got lost tuesday)
The flower store - AWESOME they take me into the theatre flashlight in hand. I search all the seats - FRONT ROW BALCONY. 
Crawling on the floor looking under every seat. (Just like in that scene on the roof of the nunnery in the Sound of Music). And then just at the end "ping" my wedding band drops from a seat. A wave of hope and happiness sweeps over me. I search and search but nothing else to be found. 

This sparks a hope fueled re-searching activity. Unfortunately ending in heartbreak. Crying, crying, hyperventilating. 
That was February. You might say it's just a thing. It is just a thing. But I miss it. My finger is still bare. I will get something else. The real person who was hurt was e. He put his heart into that ring, and for him I was irresponsible and I lost it, and he probably thinks I didn't care about it enough. 
The jury's out on whether it was "stupid" or "irresponsible". Probably it is both, but that doesn't change the outcome does it. Maybe I'll just have to finally learn something form it. 

1 comment:

GIG311 said...

Cost : $$$$$$$$$
Inconvience: 10